State of WisconsinDepartment of Public Instruction
Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent

Suggested Outline:
Components of Comprehensive Information (Library Media) and Technology Plan

NOTE: The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not require that a standard form or format be used for the district’s long-range plan. The format that is listed below is based on current research in the field of school library media and K-12 instructional technology, criteria set forth by No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Universal Service Fund (Erate), and Wisconsin Statues: Standard h, Section 121.01 k PI 8.01(2) and Section 43.001, 43.03, and 43.05. Key components of a combined/comprehensive plan are listed below. The Plan Approval Form for evaluating the plan document, Plan Guidance document, which includes greater detail for each subtopic, and a budget worksheet are separate documents and can be downloaded at < >.

A. Executive Summary
B. Title Page
- Title/name of combined/comprehensive plan
- Effective Dates of the plan
- Official school district name
- Signature of district administrator
- Name, Phone and Email of Plan Contact
- Date of Board of Education approval

C. Table of Contents

D. Introduction
- Description of Relevant Research and Best Practices reviewed by planning committee
- District Information and Technology Vision and Mission Statements
- Description of connections between the information and technology vision and mission with the district’s overall vision/mission/strategic plan

E. Background
- Community/school district demographics
- Names and titles of District Information and Technology Team
- Planning committee names, titles, and representation (may be the same as above team)
- Overview/description of planning process
- Community resources and adult literacy providers explored or utilized in the plan

F. Needs Assessment/Current Status
- Analysis and assessment of progress toward previous plan’s goals
o What objectives were achieved?
o What objectives were postponed or delayed and why?
o What objectives will continue or be modified?
- Analysis of student proficiency
- Analysis of educator proficiency
- Analysis of effective teaching and learning practices
- Analysis of access to information resources and learning tools
- Analysis of support systems and leadership
- Analysis of information and technology resources and fixed assets:
o Alignment of Information and Technology Literacy standards to local curriculum
o Learning tools (computer and AV hardware and related fixed assets
o Instructional resources ( instructional software and library media resources)
o Telecommunications and technology infrastructure, networking and connectivity systems

G. Plan Goals and Objectives (Focus on increasing student achievement, staff information and technology literacy, and library media and technology programs/services)§ Goals reflect the needs established from analysis of data from the Needs Assessment/Current Status section.
- Objectives need to be measurable, attainable, realistic and related to each goal.
- Show how these goals and objectives address adult literacy needs within the community

H. Action & Implementation Plans
- Each goal will have supporting objectives.
- The Action/implementation Plan will:
o Detail the implementation of each objective in narrative, table or spreadsheet format
o Indicate of how each objective will be measured
o Explain activities neeedd to support objectives
o Indicate resources needed for each objective/activity
o Project cost of activities
o Denote the person, group, or team responsible for the implementation (include collaboration with community institutions and organizations i.e. public library, higher education, and service organizations)
o Include a timeline and projected completion date for each activity
o Detail any policy or staffing changes (if applicable)
- Projected Budget for each year of the 3-year-plan (funding worksheet at
o Taken from the goals & action/implementation section
o Indicates potential funding source i.e. general revenue, Common School Fund, E-rate
- Adult Literacy – Community collaborative activities for building citizen technology literacy skills

I. Dissemination to Stakeholders
- Details how the school/community will be informed of the plan and its contents
- Identifies adult literacy opportunities

J. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Revision
- Details the tools and processes used in the monitoring and evaluation of the plan processes (not the goals – but the overall planning process)
- Incorporates a process of reporting to community stakeholders
- Describes a process and timeline for ongoing, long-term planning
- Explains the process for incorporating mid-course corrections in response to new development/opportunities and the communication process of changes to stakeholders

K. Appendices should include (if items are not included within the body of the plan):
- Research Bibliography
- District strategic plan
- Compilations of needs assessments and supporting graphs, i.e. enGauge data, Taglit data
- Calendar of planning deadlines
- Monitoring and evaluation forms and timelines
- Information and Technology Literacy Matrices and curriculum maps, Network maps
- Inventories of hardware, software, AV equipment/media, library resources and collection maps
- Required School Board Policies
o Technology Concerns for Students with Special Needs
o CIPA/Internet Safety & AUP
o Copyright
o Materials Selection, Materials Reconsideration
o Inter-Library Loan

December 2004